Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Armoring

I received this from my Priest and Priestess and take zero credit for it, but I do use it extensively and it is part of the Aphrodite ritual.

The Armoring
This is a powerful charm of personal empowerment, centering and oneness with the Cosmos. It can be used alone, as a meditation, or recited with earnest prayer as an incantation of personal empowerment or a protective enchantment.

I gird myself with the Two Powers
The Deeps of the World’s Chaos
The Height of the World’s Order
And I between them, like the World Tree.

I gird myself with the power of the Holy Well
With the inspiration of the Fire of Magic
With the love of the All-Mother
To draw all good to me.

I gird myself with the power of the Spirits--
The might of the Shining Ones,
The wisdom of the Ancestors,
The joy of the Elder Tribes,
All meet in my soul.

Today I gird myself
with the Elements of the World.
The stars behind my eyes
My thoughts the clouds
The sun my face,
Cool moonlight my mind,
The sea my blood
My hair the green bounty,
My flesh the warm soil,
Eternal stone my bones.
All the World is in me, and I am in the World.

I gird myself
With my Goddesses’ power to direct me,
With my Gods’ wisdom to bear me up
Their eyes to watch over me
Their ears to hear me
Their voices to speak to me
Their hands to open my ways
Their shield to ward me

From the snares of spirits,
From peril by Land,
From peril by Sea,
From peril by Sky,
From all who wish me ill, Far or near.

Let these Powers be upon me and in me, to make me equal to any challenge, to come between me and all that threatens my body or my spirit; that I may have the Wisdom of the Wise, the Love of the Loving, the Power of the Powerful; that I may be known, and with honor, in the Inner Realms. Know me, O Mighty, Noble and Shining Ones, for my name is ______________.

Power above me, Power below me,
Power on my right hand, power on my left hand
Power before me.
In every eye, In every ear,
In every mouth, in every heart,
My magic is established.

I gird myself with nine-fold magic,
The Fire, the Well, the Tree,
The Land, the Sky, the Sea,
The Gods, the Dead, the Sidhe
Dwell with me and in me, forever.
So be it!

Monday, December 5, 2011


This ritual is designed for those who may feel they have lost beauty in their lives. This beauty consists of a multitude of things including but not limited to self love, self worth, self esteem, inward beauty and outward beauty as well as sensual and/or sexual love and lust. A very good book to read that details this is Pagan Meditations  by Ginette Paris. 

This is a ritual designed to last at least 3 days if not a full week or so. The pre-ritual part can be started at anytime during the week of the full moon but no later than the two days preceding the full moon. The concepts should be considered and one might meditate upon Aphrodite as well as what beauty means to him or her at any time and especially during the time before the ritual. 

Pre-Ritual is something that is done daily leading up to the actual full ritual.

Pre-Ritual tools:
You need very little for this.

Altar - You can begin setting up the altar all during the pre-ritual phase and include this "beautification" as part a means of bringing beauty back into your world. The altar is personal and may consist of any things you would use for your own personal system. As an example my altar for this ritual includes these things:

Colors - the colors I've chosen are seemingly in contrast to those that would normally be associated with Aphrodite. However, these are the colors that resonate with me and are what I associate with beauty, furthermore they are earthy and watery colors. We are certainly drawing upon these elements in this ceremony. Yes, passion is part of this and fire should not be ignored, thought is part of this and should not be ignored so I would suggest finding a way to express these. They are NOT dominant in this ritual however. Earth is stabilizing and ensures a wealth of beauty, Water is emotional and draws upon matters of the soul. So, now that I've explained my choice - go and make your own. The dominant colors on my alter are blue, green and purple. Purple is ever present in my world as I'm in the queens phase of life. (I follow the four fold goddess path). 

Goddess -  I have Venus on my altar. Venus and Aphrodite are closely associated and often considered one and the same, however they are NOT the same. Each has different characteristics. To learn more take a classics class until I get the opportunity to delve into this greater. It may become the focus of my Master's Thesis, who knows....I have asked Venus to represent the qualities of Aphrodite for me as I don't have an exact dedicated representation of Aphrodite. I have made it clear that I understand the differences between the two and yes it must be frustrating to have your identity so closely wrapped up in that of another, However, I honor them both. 
Elements -  I have made the elements very simple for my alter using things found at either Walmart or the Dollar store. Fire - a $1 glass pillar white, altar candle. Water - liquid potpourri burner with Lavender liquid potpourri. Air - Lavender incense.   Earth - a brown pottery dish filled with lavender potpourri petals. 

Votives -  I have lavender and vanilla candles to represent purple and gold. Aphrodite likes gold. I have an earth jewel necklace I made long ago as a token for Aphrodite and Venus. it is made with natural stone jewels and some little gold and silver trinkets. Gold stars. The Lovers Tarot Card. and, any other personal items to add to the ritual. Eventually you will need to add a chalice for the wine and a dish for the food offerings which will consist of fruit and/or chocolate. 

Dress - pre-ritual dress just includes whatever is cozy and comfy.
Ritual dress - well, it depends. I prefer to do it naked except for the ritual robe and a crown. However, this is isn't always possible. It can be done in something slinky as well, or just something that makes you feel beautiful if performed in a group setting. 

Here is a tiny bit of background information about Aphrodite that I compiled as notes from one of my classics classes taught by the amazing Dr. Marchand at WSU:
            Goddess of lust, sex, human sexuality and fertility, and everything associated with it.  She is associated with eros, which is not the same as romantic love; it is sexual desire, attraction, and in fact, the effects of eros and of Aphrodite are often described in ancient sources in rather unpleasant terms.  She has two husbands – as fits her personality (sometimes Ares, sometimes Hephaistos, and she is the only goddess who has myths about her infidelity).  Again, of course this is not moralizing or saying that it is occasionally ok for women to be unfaithful (it wasn’t!), but it is simply describing the nature of desire.  She is consistently shown nude, something not appropriate for other goddesses.   In the Iliad, Aphrodite is the child of Zeus and a figure named Dione – Dione is a feminine form of the name Zeus – like “Zeusette” – so this is simply a way of trying to make her part of the extended family of Zeus, but in the Theogony, we get a different version of her, and one which rings truer: there she is an older god even than Zeus, and as such, she is one of the few gods who has some power over Zeus; even Zeus is subject to the force of eros.  

Here is the basied Altar I have and of course my baby girl Alejandra spent time at the altar today.

And, here is the ritual as I have it written so far. If there are spelling errors or other such grammar mistakes I apologize, but such is life. If there are questions concering why I have done things they way I have, feel free to ask. If you wish to post your experience with this ritual please feel free to do so. Alter things to fit you.

Preparation for this ritual to be done on the full moon begins three days before the full moon.

1.      Daily – bathe in warm water scented with lavender (flower petals, oil, bubble bath) and salt. Release negative energy and replace it with lavender light. This is a meditative bathe in which you allow tension to melt away, relax the muscles, cleanse the spirit as well as the body of any self doubt. Become Aphrodite relishing in your own beauty, the sweetness of flowers and care free abandon. Dressing after the bathe should include any lightweight clothing that makes you feel relaxed, comfortable and free.

2.      After dressing, play a relaxing and loving song and visit the altar. Light the candles there and anoint with the oil or salt/lavender water by drawing the pentagram on your forehead. If you can see the moon, great. Lose yourself in the moon for a few minutes. Allow the song to play out and feel lost in warmth and happiness knowing that Aphrodite is with you.


Ritual on the full moon.

Blues, purples and greens. These are watery colors and earthy colors combined and generally are not associated with Aphrodite. Water and earth symbolize together an emotional grounding. Fragrances – lavender. Things that can be included are dolphins, roses, hearts. Glass of sweet wine (fruit juice is ok, but wine is best) representation of Aphrodite. Gold (can be real gold, thread, something decorative, glitter whatever). Lavendar potpourri, incense, liquid and candles (tealights are great). Pentagram. Apple, and/or other fruit. Chocolate. The altar is actually rather simple as love of the self should be simple. Representative tarot cards. I use the Lovers. Love itself implies an aspect of duality just as the Lovers card. Regardless of the type of love involved there is still at least 2 distinct beings or emotions involved if not more. The need for such a ritual already implies emotions other than love are at work. Therefore, the Lovers card is appropriate even for someone simply trying to create more self-love. This card represents more than is being employed for this ritual, research it and take care with it.


Casting a simple circle to evoke powerful protection and strength.

Begin the circle in the South.
Carrying the lit smudging sage……
Circumambulate in deosil (walk clockwise)
Stop when you get to South again.

One can call quarters normally or call them into the circle from across. I prefer inviting the elements into the circle by cross calling them rather than summoning them as watchdogs. They will provide protection even from within.

Begin by stopping in the south and cross calling north. I begin in the South with warmth, fire and passion as the start of the ritual. I am standing in a place of eruption and potentially volatile emotions, but I look to the North and call her in as temperance, as a stabilizing force. After calling north, move across the circle to the South or if there are others allow the participant standing in the North to call South. Then move to the West quarter and call East. Call East now to ensure mental processes are present before calling in the element of the soul. West is called last as the emotional stirrings of the soul are to be protected in a place already guarded by her counterparts. Any time we are dealing with the lack of self-love we are also dealing with frailty and vulnerability and thus she is invited last, after the others have laid the groundwork for openness and freedom, and most importantly trust.

Call North:
“Earth, force of stability and center, you are lovingly invited to witness and join this ceremony. Welcome are your warmth and riches. Be here if you wish, protect the circle if you will and impart upon me/us the truth of your ever present strength.”

Call South:
“Fire, force of magic and energy, you are warmly invited to witness and join this ceremony. Welcome, are your vitality and fever. Be here if you wish, protect the circle if you will and impart upon me/us the energy of your passion.

Call East
“Air, force of intellect and logic, you are openly invited to witness and join this ceremony. Welcome are your wit and analyzing way. Be here if you wish, protect the circle if you will and impart upon me/us the presence of mind to see beyond.

Call West:
“Water, force of passion and freedom, you are openly invited to witness and join this ceremony. Welcome are your tumultuousness and serenity. Be here if you wish, protect the circle if you will and impart upon me/us trust and (an) open heart(s).

The Armoring: (click to get to the link)

Invoke Aphrodite:

From the center altar:
“Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, love and desire, you are openly invited to witness and join this ceremony. Welcome are you in all forms of splendor, grace, love, serenity, and fervor. Be here if you wish, protect the circle if you will and impart upon me/us the lesson of love that only you can provide.”

Appeal to Aphrodite: (This includes a personal aspect that each individual should write and speak on his/her own).

Without the goddess of love the civilized world collapses. Beauty is lost, replaced by decrepit sites and ugly sounds. Thoughts turn from sweetness to deception. Once, I felt secure, confident and beautiful. Now, I am insecure. I lack the ability to look at myself without disgust or hatred. Goddess, do you remember when I adorned my body with jewels, make-up, nice clothes and beautiful scents? You were with me then and I was with you. Those outward expressions were homage paid to you. It is not vanity as some might think to want beauty, but simply an outward display of inner strength. I displayed you outwardly then. Now, you are nowhere in my world and I long for you. I have honored you in the past and now I ask you, help me. Bring back the confidence I once had. Be with me in moments of despair and hatred, turn it into love and kindness.

Presentation of votives: (There should be an offering bowl for items given to Aphrodite)
Here on this altar I present Earth, scented with petals of softness. (offering bowl of petals)
I present Fire, enflamed by fragrance of sweetness. (candles)
I present Air, uplifted rivulets of quietness. (incense)
I present Water, pooled streams of suppleness. (liquid incense)
I present jewels and gold. As they shine and glimmer, so too does your grace shine and glimmer.
I offer fruit and chocolate and share with you the intoxication of pleasures they bring.
I offer wine and share with you a thirst beginning to grow strong.

As you have been with me in the past, and now I share with you these tokens, be with me in the future and I will again adorn myself in you, I will continue to offer these votives and more. I need your strength, confidence, security and love. You need nothing, but enjoy beauty and this I will give to you.

Naval Meditation
Ritual Dance

Release the quarters:
The quarters are released together in this ritual to symbolize harmony within all the elements and send them back together as a unified force that not only cares for and protects one another, but works as a unit.

“North: Earth, center, strength and stability, South: Fire, passion and energy, East: discerning, intelligent and thoughtful, West: flowing, emotional and soulful. At your will go forth empowered by trust and harmony.

Aphrodite: goddess of pure lust, born by the flailing seed of Ouronos, grace the elements and myself with your beauty, love of self, and love of others. Together, may the forces of passion, tumultuous love and serene knowledge flood the world around me/us. Remind me daily to be kind to myself and allow love to lay her hands around my body.

This circle is open but unbroken for the love that binds us shall remain.
Merry ye meet and merry ye part and merry m